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307Associates’ Data Protection and Privacy Service

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Data protection and privacy

In a highly regulated and complex environment, organisations need to be focused on the data they have; manage and protect it appropriately; recognise the value it presents as an asset; and be able to generate real benefit from it, safely and without breaching the trust of their customers, users and employees. 7O3 Associates with its strong multidisciplinary team, can help.

How should my organisation be thinking about data protection and privacy?

GDPR is just one of the many regulations that global organisations need to comply with and we know that navigating these different legislative requirements represents a key risk to you, which you have to get right in order to avoid both the financial and reputational impacts that come with a breach. To see data protection and privacy as simply a business risk is, in many instances, missing the opportunity that the data you have can present in accelerating growth in your business and for solving some of society’s biggest issues.

Information Governance

Information governance, or IG, is the overall strategy for information at an organization. Information governance balances the risk that information presents with the value that information provides. Information governance helps with legal compliance, operational transparency, and reducing expenditures associated with legal discovery. We are here to help you from setting that overall IG strategy, to the actual realisation of it all.

Data Governance

The data in your organisation presents exciting opportunities to better understand your business, its external environment and your customers. However, it also carries risk relating to keeping this information protected, of high quality and compliant with regulations.

Getting this right is both an operational and cultural challenge, and requires an understanding of your data and how it flows through the business. We help clients with every aspect of data governance; data discovery, setting vision and strategy, designing operating models and implementing changes to people, processes and technology.

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